Office closed on 24th of May on Friday from 12pm
Merry Christmas from Greenman. Please note that our office’s last working day will be Friday 22 December and will reopen on Tuesday 2 January 2024.
Merry Christmas from Greenman. Bitte beachten Sie, dass unser Büro bis Freitag, den 22. Dezember besetzt ist und am Dienstag, den 2. Januar 2024 wieder öffnet.


Addresse: Crescent Hall, Mount Street Crescent, Dublin 2
Telefon: +353 (0) 1 647 1121
Email Addresse: [email protected]
Registrierungsnr: 405865
VAT ID/Tax Nummer: Ireland: IE6425865L Germany: DE273733905
AIFMD Authorisations Nummer: C123941
Geschäftsführer: John Wilkinson


The information provided on this website has been carefully checked and is updated regularly. However, we can undertake no guarantee that all information is at all times complete, correct and up to date. This applies in particular to all links to other websites that are indicated directly or indirectly. All information can be supplemented, removed or altered without prior notice. All product names, product descriptions and logos on this website are registered trademarks and property of those who own the rights.

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