Office closed on 24th of May on Friday from 12pm
Merry Christmas from Greenman. Please note that our office’s last working day will be Friday 22 December and will reopen on Tuesday 2 January 2024.
Merry Christmas from Greenman. Bitte beachten Sie, dass unser Büro bis Freitag, den 22. Dezember besetzt ist und am Dienstag, den 2. Januar 2024 wieder öffnet.

Our Sustainability Responsibility

Achieving the goal of environmental sustainability in urban development is a pressing issue, both today and in the future. We recognise the importance of working towards sustainable goals and we believe that the fund’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework is an important and binding factor in creating long-term value for not only our investors but also for society.

As a result, 2021, Greenman classified Greenman European Supermarkets (GES) as an Article 8 fund and Greenman OPEN (OPEN) as an Article 9 fund as defined by the Sustainable Financial Disclosures Regulation (SFDR).

In 2022, Greenman put in place a NET Zero plan which when complete will reduce OPEN’s portfolio’s NET carbon emissions to zero (the Net Zero Pathway).

Sustainability Report

OPEN’s sustainability report outlines the progress we have made in initiating the Net Zero Pathway.



Expanding upon Greenman’s 5by25 commitments, where at leasat 5% of OPEN’s revenue in 2025 will be generated from non-rental activities, will also be an objective of the Net Zero Pathway, demonstrating the positive financial impact sustainability objectives will have on the fund’s performance.

Greenman estimates that a high percentage of all equity contributed to the Net Zero Pathway will result in either: direct additional income; have a direct positive impact on OPEN’s NAV or directly via other value addition mechanisms.

Read more about OPEN’s Net Zero Pathway here.

SFDR Disclosures

How Greenman, OPEN’s AIFM, considers PAI on sustainability factors in the investment decision-making as well as other sustainability disclosure requirements.

Principle Adverse Impacts Disclosure
Website Disclosure
Remuneration Disclosure


The General Partner (GP) of Greenman is responsible for the implementation of the fund’s offering document and is overseen by a Board committed to high standards of corporate governance. The GP has also appointed a Management Company, a Depositary and an Administrator to ensure strong governance and effective oversight.

Annual Report 2023

Highlights of the year including new acquisitions and rental developments.


Key Dates 2023

18 June 2023
Q1 2023 Performance Webinar
for OPEN

28 June 2023
AGM of Greenman Investments

28 June 2023
Availability Annual Report
for 2022

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