Market Updates

Greenman, in its capacity as investment manager (the “AIFM”) to Greenman OPEN has prepared a document to update investors and potential investors on recent developments and occurrences linked to the COVID-19 pandemic which may impact either positively or negatively, GMO, its tenants, properties and performance. As restrictions ease, these documents will now move from weekly to fortnightly, with regular updates available on Linkedin.
You will find these investor updates related to the pandemic and its effects on the Broker Portal and as pdfs below.
13 July GMO Covid-19 Update
15 June GMO Covid-19 Update
03 June GMO Covid-19 Update
18 May GMO Covid-19 Update
11 May GMO Covid-19 Update
05 May GMO Covid-19 Update
27 April GMO Covid-19 Update
20 April GMO Covid-19 Update
14 April GMO Covid-19 Update
06 April GMO Covid-19 Update
30 March GMO Covid-19 Update
23 March GMO Covid-19 Update
16 March GMO Covid-19 Update